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    natural medicine in islam

    che Allah lo ricompensi
    che Allah lo ricompensi

    Località*الدولة* : United States

    Sesso : انثى

    Numero di messaggi : 89
    Età : 53

    natural medicine in islam Empty natural medicine in islam

    مُساهمة من طرف ANNAMARIA الإثنين 26 يوليو - 21:33:01

    Cure for headaches (migrain) and for blood purification It has been recorded that the Nabi (S.A.W.) allowed his blood to be let several times during his lifetime. Blood letting during his time was performed by an incision over the painful area, by cutting a vein and letting the blood out. Our Nabi (S.A.W,) blood has been let by his shoulders from his neck and from his head.

    The Nabi (S.A.W.) said:

    "Bloodletting is better than medicines," and he also said: "I did not pass any angel on the night of Meraj, but they told me to order my Ummat to let blood." Commentary

    We learn from these two sayings of our Nabi (S.A.W.) that the cause of many pains is the blood and by letting out blood from the affected area, theperson may be relieved of the pain. Here, however, the environmental factor must be taken into consideration, for Arabia is a hot and dry country and as a result of the intense heat, headaches are frequent and this is the cure which our Nabi (S.A.W.) prescribed for the Sahaba (R). From this Hadith, giving of blood is Sunnah.Commentary

    We learn from these two sayings of our Nabi (S.A.W.) that the cause of many pains is the blood and by letting out blood from the affected area, the person may be relieved of the pain. Here, however, the environmental factor must be taken into consideration, for Arabia is a hot and dry country and as a result of the intense heat, headaches are frequent and this is the cure which our Nabi (S.A.W.) prescribed for the Sahaba (R). From this Hadith, giving of blood is Sunnah.


    We learn from these two sayings of our Nabi (S.A.W.) that the cause of many pains is the blood and by letting out blood from the affected area, the person may be relieved of the pain. Here, however, the environmental factor must be taken into consideration, for Arabia is a hot and dry country and as a result of the intense heat, headaches are frequent and this is the cure which our Nabi (S.A.W.) prescribed for the Sahaba (R). From this Hadith, giving of blood is Sunnah. Cure for body ailments Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R) narrates a Hadith of our Nabi (S.A.W.):"For every sickness there is a cure in the black seed except for death." Commentary

    This black seed can cure practically every ailment known to mankind besides death. Amongst their sicknesses which it can remedy are:
    (1) If rubbed, it removes inflammation (any part of the body).
    (2) If eaten, it kills worms in the stomach.
    (3) If boiled, the solution rubbed on the head, it will remove cold.
    (4) If eaten, it prevents the skin peeling off, as a result of dryness.
    (5) If rubbed, it removes moles on the body.
    (6) The black seed when eaten also assist menstruation when it has closed.
    (7) In ointment form, it removes headaches.
    (8) If mixed with vinegar and eaten, it reduces swelling anywhere on the body.
    (9) If mixed with oil and smelt, it takes away eyeaches.
    (10) If eaten, it helps a person who is suffering from short breath.
    (11) If gargled, it takes away toothache.
    (12) If eaten, it releases urine which is stuck.
    (13) If a house or store is fumigated or smoked with it, it destroys the insects.
    (14) If eaten, it takes away fever.
    (15) If eaten, it kills intestinal worms.
    (16) If some of these seeds are put into a pouch and tied around the neck, it will relieve cough, colds, flu and fever.
    (17) If eaten, it releases milk, dried in the mothers breast.
    (18) It eases childbirth.
    (19) It stops running stomach and wind and also stops chest pain.
    (20) If eaten, it stops coughing.
    (21) If eaten, it takes away nausea and vomiting.
    (22) It relieves dropsy (disease).
    (23) If it is taken with olive oil, it improves both colour and texture of the skin.
    (24) If taken with vinegar, it kills worms in the stomach.
    (25) If taken with honey, it removes stones from the bladder.
    (26) If roasted and eaten, it relieves piles.
    (27) If a swelling is very hard, mix it with the urine of an infant child to form an ointment, then smear it on the swollen part and it will go down.
    (28) If applied with vinegar, it cures leprosy.
    (29) If made into an ointment with vinegar, it will take away the swelling of testicles (children).
    (30) If mixed with water of the melon (colocynth) bitter melon and applied to the navel, it will clear the stomach of worms.
    (31) If mixed with the water of henna leaves and applied to the head, it will stop hair from falling off or turning brown and it also strengthens the hair.
    (32) If mixed with rose water and applied, it cures wounds, cuts and bruises.
    (33) If mixed with olive oil and applied to a man's pri¬vate, it increases his sexual power.
    (34) Hazrat Qatadah (R) says that a person who takes twenty-one (21) of these seeds, places it in a pouch and boils it in water, then put 2 drops of the solution thus obtained into the right nose an one (1) drop into the left nose on the first day and thus the opposite on the second day and again repeats the procedure of the first day of the third day, then such a person will never suffer from any kind of brain disease For the above reasons the Nabi (S.A.W.) has described this seed as been able to cure all diseases except death, for death is in the hands of ALLAH
    Garlic remedies
    (1) If applied to swellings, it puts it down.
    (2) It assist urine flow in men and menstruation in women.
    (3) It allows the body to sweat, thus curing its self from within.
    (4) It clears the stomach of wind and stops running stomach.
    (5) It purifies and strengthens the blood.
    (6) It clears the voice and improves the tone.
    (7) It strengthens the mind and improves the memory.
    (8) It removes pains of the body, particularly side¬pains.
    (9) It is stimulating and is very good for stomach aches and pains. It also relieves pain in the joints in the body.
    (10) It rids the stomach of worms.
    (11) It removes thirst from a person who always feel thirsty.
    (12) It clears the skin (rough).
    (13) It keeps the bladder clear and prevents paralysis.
    (14) If the garlic is boiled and then gargled with, it will strengthen the gums and teeth.
    (15) Garlic ground into a paste, will open an abscess (boil).
    (16) In ground form it will also cure swollen testicles
    For the above reasons the Nabi (S.A.W.) has described this seed as been able to cure all diseases except death, for death is in the hands of ALLAH.
    Garlic remedies
    These are some of the medicinal properties of garlic. Whilst it is certainly a good cure, one must beware of its drawbacks. For garlic used excessively, burns the blood, harms piles and it is also harmful for pregnant woman. Too much garlic generates biles and weakens eyesight.

    The use of garlic is permitted with certain restrictions. It should only be used where necessary and then carefully so that one's mouth does not smell. The reason for this is that mala-ieka refrain from coming near to such a person. For they dislike its smell. Salaah is also prohibited. Therefore the Nabi (S.A.W.) instructed the Sahabas not to enter the Masjid after eating uncooked garlic.
    cure for fever.
    Nabi (S.A.W.) says:

    "Fever is an influence of Jahannam so cool it down with water (ice)". In another Hadith the Nabi (S.A.W.) says: "When someone gets fever then pour cold water over him for 3 days before Fajr".

    Imam Hambal (R.A.) reports that when our Nabi (S.A.W.) contracted fever, he would ask for a waterbag of water and sprinkle it over himself. Imam Tirmizi (R.A.) quotes a Hadith of Nabi (S.A.W.) in his book:

    "When any of you has a fever, and surely fever is a piece of Jahannam, then it is necessary to cool the fever off with cold water by sitting in a flowing stream (shower) before sunrise and say:"Bismillaah, Allaahumma ashfiy abdaka wasadaqa rasooluka.”

    (In the name of ALLAH. O ALLAH! Cure thy slave and your messenger has spoken the truth)and dive into the water 3 times, for 3 successive days (each day). Then if you are well, it is good, otherwise continue with this cure for 5, 7 or 9 days. But do not exceed 9 days, for by the order of ALLAH you should recover by then."

    The Ulema comments that this prescription of Nabi (S.A.W.) should be understood with the Arab people and climatic conditions of the region in which they live. Normally such fever arises from the intense heat of the desert. Thus they are of the opinion that it would not apply to fever arising from cold or from a virus or infection. Yet where one persists in using this cure as a remedy convinced in the truth of Nabi (S.A.W.) saying, then he would surely recover. For as the Quran is of no use to the person who doubts, so also the sayings of our Nabi (S.A.W.).
    Cure for running stomach

    Both Bukhari and Muslim reports the following Hadith of a person coming to the Nabi (S.A.W.) reporting that his brother had a running stomach. The Nabi (S.A.W.) told him:Go and give him honey." After a while he returned and reported: "O Nabi (S.A.W.) it has increased (running stomach)." The Nabi (S.A.W.) said: “Give him honey again.” This transpired 3 times. Then the Nabi (S.A.W.) tells the truth and your brother’s stomach lies.” This person went back and gave him some honey and at last his brother recovered

    Ulemas comments that to the Nabi (S.A.W.) was revealed this cure by ALLAH. Thus there could be no doubt to its correctness. There was an obstruction in his stomach which had to be removed and honey did this by a gradual process. Honey acts as a laxative, therefore, it should be taken in small quantities

    Cure for energy

    Ibn Abbas reports that the Nabi (S.A.W.) said: goes "Cheese is a sickness and nuts are also sickness. But both goes into the stomach then it becomes clean."

    Ulema comments neither cheese and nuts should be taken alone. They should be taken together or some item of food which will balance it.

    Cure for strength, energy and vitality

    Abu Sa-eed reports that the Roman Emperor sent a present of a jar of ginger jam to the Nabi (S.A.W.). As a Present from the Nabi (S.A.W.), he gave each Sahabi (R) a little bit.

    From this action of our Nabi (S.A.W.) it is clear that the use of special extracts or compound or tonic for good health is permissible. Ginger in particular in ground form or as a preservative is very good for digestion. It creates hunger and gives energy and vitality. It also increases ones ability to think and remember

    Cure for a healthy body

    Hazrat Ali (R) said that a person who wishes to protect his body and to guard it well from illnesses, it is necessary that he should eat in the morning and evenings. He should keep himself free from debts. He should refrain from walking barefoot and he should cohabit less.

    and dive into the water 3 times, for 3 successive days (each day). Then if you are well, it is good, otherwise continue with this cure for 5, 7 or 9 days. But do not exceed 9 days, for by the order of ALLAH you should recover by then."

    The Ulema comments that this prescription of Nabi (S.A.W.) should be understood with the Arab people and climatic conditions of the region in which they live. Normally such fever arises from the intense heat of the desert. Thus they are of the opinion that it would not apply to fever arising from cold or from a virus or infection. Yet where one persists in using this cure as a remedy convinced in the truth of Nabi (S.A.W.) saying, then he would surely recover. For as the Quran is of no use to the person who doubts, so also the sayings of our Nabi (S.A.W.).

    Both Bukhari and Muslim reports the following Hadith of a person coming to the Nabi (S.A.W.) reporting that his brother had a running stomach. The Nabi (S.A.W.) told him:


    Ulemas comments that to the Nabi (S.A.W.) was revealed this cure by ALLAH. Thus there could be no doubt to its correctness. There was an obstruction in his stomach which had to be removed and honey did this by a gradual process. Honey acts as a laxative, therefore, it should be taken in small quantities.

    Ibn Abbas reports that the Nabi (S.A.W.) said: goes

    Ulema comments neither cheese and nuts should be taken alone. They should be taken together or some item of food which will balance it.
    From this action of our Nabi (S.A.W.) it is clear that the use of special extracts or compound or tonic for good health is permissible. Ginger in particular in ground form or as a preservative is very good for digestion. It creates hunger and gives energy and vitality. It also increases ones ability to think and remember.
    These two meals are essential and one good meal is prohibited. Debt is a health killer. Barefoot walking can cause injury and too much cohabiting weakens the person. In Arabia, barefoot walking was considered injurious due to hot sands.
    Anas Ibn Malik (R) reports from the Nabi (S.A.W.):
    A soup should be prepared from the meat of the rump (back) of the sheep, and the soup should be taken over three (3) days on a hungry stomach. This cure should prove effective for the pain of arthritis. He should take the soup on an absolutely hungry stomach.

    The Nabi (S.A.W.) once enquired from Asham Binti Ameez (R) what she used to keep herself in good health. She replied:

    The medicinal value of senna leaves cannot be disregarded. Together with honey, the Nabi (S.A.W.) has praised its curative value. Those who use senna herbs are aware that it keeps them in peak health. It is also good for the blood and for headaches and skin diseases.


    In this Hadith, the medicine value of garlic is not only, stated but also stressed by our Nabi (S.A.W.). This does not detract from the harmful effect of garlic which are stated towards the end.

    Hazrat Umar (R) is reported to have said: Cure for body ailments "For every sickness there is a cure in the black seed except for death." (1) If rubbed, it removes inflammation (any part of the body).
    (2) If eaten, it kills worms in the stomach.
    (3) If boiled, the solution rubbed on the head, it will remove cold.
    (4) If eaten, it prevents the skin peeling off, as a result of dryness.
    (5) If rubbed, it removes moles on the body.
    (6) The black seed when eaten also assist menstruation when it has closed.
    (7) In ointment form, it removes headaches.
    (8) If mixed with vinegar and eaten, it reduces swelling anywhere on the body.
    (9) If mixed with oil and smelt, it takes away eyeaches.
    (10) If eaten, it helps a person who is suffering from short breath.
    (11) If gargled, it takes away toothache.
    (12) If eaten, it releases urine which is stuck.
    (13) If a house or store is fumigated or smoked with it, it destroys the insects.
    (14) If eaten, it takes away fever.
    (15) If eaten, it kills intestinal worms.
    (16) If some of these seeds are put into a pouch and tied around the neck, it will relieve cough, colds, flu and fever.
    (17) If eaten, it releases milk, dried in the mothers breast.
    (18) It eases childbirth.
    (19) It stops running stomach and wind and also stops chest pain.
    (20) If eaten, it stops coughing.
    (21) If eaten, it takes away nausea and vomiting.
    (22) It relieves dropsy (disease).
    (23) If it is taken with olive oil, it improves both colour and texture of the skin.
    (24) If taken with vinegar, it kills worms in the stomach.
    (25) If taken with honey, it removes stones from the bladder.
    (26) If roasted and eaten, it relieves piles.
    (27) If a swelling is very hard, mix it with the urine of an infant child to form an ointment, then smear it on the swollen part and it will go down.
    (28) If applied with vinegar, it cures leprosy.
    (29) If made into an ointment with vinegar, it will take away the swelling of testicles (children).
    (30) If mixed with water of the melon (colocynth) bitter melon and applied to the navel, it will clear the stomach of worms.
    (31) If mixed with the water of henna leaves and applied to the head, it will stop hair from falling off or turning brown and it also strengthens the hair.
    (32) If mixed with rose water and applied, it cures wounds, cuts and bruises.
    (33) If mixed with olive oil and applied to a man's pri¬vate, it increases his sexual power.
    (34) Hazrat Qatadah (R) says that a person who takes twenty-one (21) of these seeds, places it in a pouch and boils it in water, then put 2 drops of the solution thus obtained into the right nose an one (1) drop into the left nose on the first day and thus the opposite on the second day and again repeats the procedure of the first day of the third day, then such a person will never suffer from any kind of brain disease. Garlic remedies
    (1) If applied to swellings, it puts it down.
    (2) It assist urine flow in men and menstruation in women.
    (3) It allows the body to sweat, thus curing its self from within.
    (4) It clears the stomach of wind and stops running stomach.
    (5) It purifies and strengthens the blood.
    (6) It clears the voice and improves the tone.
    (7) It strengthens the mind and improves the memory.
    (8) It removes pains of the body, particularly side¬pains.
    (9) It is stimulating and is very good for stomach aches and pains. It also relieves pain in the joints in the body.
    (10) It rids the stomach of worms.
    (11) It removes thirst from a person who always feel thirsty.
    (12) It clears the skin (rough).
    (13) It keeps the bladder clear and prevents paralysis.
    (14) If the garlic is boiled and then gargled with, it will strengthen the gums and teeth.
    (15) Garlic ground into a paste, will open an abscess (boil).
    (16) In ground form it will also cure swollen testicles. Cure for fever The Nabi (S.A.W.) says:

    "Fever is an influence of Jahannam so cool it down with water (ice)". In another Hadith the Nabi (S.A.W.) says: "When someone gets fever then pour cold water over him for 3 days before Fajr".

    Imam Hambal (R.A.) reports that when our Nabi (S.A.W.) contracted fever, he would ask for a waterbag of water and sprinkle it over himself. Imam Tirmizi (R.A.) quotes a Hadith of Nabi (S.A.W.) in his book:

    "When any of you has a fever, and surely fever is a piece of Jahannam, then it is necessary to cool the fever off with cold water by sitting in a flowing stream (shower) before sunrise and say:

    "Bismillaah, Allaahumma ashfiy abdaka wasadaqa rasooluka.”

    (In the name of ALLAH. O ALLAH! Cure thy slave and your messenger has spoken the truth) Cure for running stomach "Go and give him honey." After a while he returned and reported: "O Nabi (S.A.W.) it has increased (running stomach)." The Nabi (S.A.W.) said: “Give him honey again.” This transpired 3 times. Then the Nabi (S.A.W.) tells the truth and your brother’s stomach lies.” This person went back and gave him some honey and at last his brother recovered.
    Cure for energy "Cheese is a sickness and nuts are also sickness. But both goes into the stomach then it becomes clean." Cure for strength, energy and vitality Abu Sa-eed reports that the Roman Emperor sent a present of a jar of ginger jam to the Nabi (S.A.W.). As a Present from the Nabi (S.A.W.), he gave each Sahabi (R) a little bit. Cure for a healthy body Hazrat Ali (R) said that a person who wishes to protect his body and to guard it well from illnesses, it is necessary that he should eat in the morning and evenings. He should keep himself free from debts. He should refrain from walking barefoot and he should cohabit less. Cure for leg pains, arthritis "Guide yourself from arthritis with an Arab goat. So that it can be cooked and taken over several days on a hungry stomach." Arabs goat may refer to a wild goat. As to follow the Sunnah, any goat will do. Cure for good health
    "I drink warm milk." The Nabi (S.A.W.) said: "But that is very hot for the body." She replied: "I also use senna herbs (leaves)." On hearing this, the Nabi (S.A.W.) said: "If there was any cure for that, it would have been the senna. Cure for bodily ailments In a Hadith it is recorded from our Nabi (S.A.W.) that:

    "Do not recognise four things as bad because of four things."
    Here the Nabi (S.A.W.) means because they prevent 4 things. The Hadith continues: "First you should not consider it bad when your eyes are sore for its pain prevents blindness. Secondly do not complain if you have a cold for it prevents leprosy. Thirdly do not think it bad if you have a cough for it eliminates the likelyhood of paralysis. Fourthly do not complain if you have sores and pimples for these prevent the occurance of leprosy."

    Hazrat Ali (R) reports from Nabi (S.A.W.):

    "Eat garlic, O People! and treat yourself with it, for it contains cure for many sicknesses." Cure for leprosy "Do not bath with water which has been heated by the sun, for it causes leprosy.
    الحلاجي محمد
    الحلاجي محمد
    Servo di Allah

    Sesso : ذكر

    Numero di messaggi : 6998

    natural medicine in islam Empty رد: natural medicine in islam

    مُساهمة من طرف الحلاجي محمد الخميس 12 أغسطس - 17:47:42

    assalamo alaykom wa rahmato llahi wa barakatoh ..
    ..jazak allah kol khayr


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت 21 سبتمبر - 19:03:08