Ruling on celebrating the middle of Sha’baan Hitskin_logo

هذه مُجرَّد مُعاينة لتصميم تم اختياره من موقع
تنصيب التصميم في منتداكالرجوع الى صفحة بيانات التصميم

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    Ruling on celebrating the middle of Sha’baan

    الحلاجي محمد
    الحلاجي محمد
    Servo di Allah

    Sesso : ذكر

    Numero di messaggi : 6998

    defaut Ruling on celebrating the middle of Sha’baan

    مُساهمة من طرف الحلاجي محمد الخميس 16 سبتمبر - 3:03:07

    Ruling on celebrating the middle of Sha’baan

    Ruling on celebrating the middle of Sha’baan Shabaan
    There are some hadiths that speak about the Middle of Sha`ban and itsnight. However, the scholars of hadith say that most of the hadithsconcerning this night are not authentic. They are weak (da`if)according to the criteria of the narrators and scholars of hadith.In this book Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid takes us through these hadith giving rulings on their authenticity.

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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد 22 سبتمبر - 1:34:57