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Mars and Venus: Marriage, Love & Mercy Aya10
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    Mars and Venus: Marriage, Love & Mercy


    Località*الدولة* : Egypt

    Sesso : ذكر

    Numero di messaggi : 212

    iqrae Mars and Venus: Marriage, Love & Mercy

    مُساهمة من طرف omar الأربعاء 3 نوفمبر - 21:58:52

    Mars and Venus: Marriage, Love & Mercy

    Shaykh Riad Ouarzazi20 Points to Love

    • Exchanging gifts, (It develops love between you two) it does not have to be materialistic.
    • Spend time together. Just you and your wife. (Vise versa)
    • “The look of love”. Just by looking at your wife you should know what she likes.
    • Warm greetings.
    • Praise the wife. Never compare her with someone else. Applies both ways
    • Participate together in the household chorus. Your work is not only outside!!
    • Kind words, they are Sadaqah.
    • Spend time OUT together.
    • Peaceful gatherings.
    • Husband has to be balanced with the YES/NO.
    • Show your interest, support, and care.
    • Change your routine. Surprise her/him.
    • Pamper her/him.
    • Don’t hide your feelings. You should be able to talk to each other (Never in front of the children).
    • Call her/him by her/him beautiful names
    • Don’t talk about your problems before bed.
    • Show THANKS…Jazakallahu Khair
    • Apologize
    • R-E-S-P-E-C-T
    • Contemplate the Seerah.

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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت 21 سبتمبر - 21:49:22