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More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night Aya10
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    More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night

    che Allah lo ricompensi
    che Allah lo ricompensi

    Località*الدولة* : United States

    Sesso : انثى

    Numero di messaggi : 89
    Età : 53

    More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night Empty More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night

    مُساهمة من طرف ANNAMARIA الأحد 5 ديسمبر - 21:30:10

    More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night

    More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night 1000sunan

    By Shaykh Khaalid Al-Husaynaan. 'More than 1000 Sunan for Every Day & Night.' Based on the Arabic Book 'Akthar min alf Sunnah fee-al-yawm wa al-laylah'.Is it not amazing that in the course of a normal day, many of us are capable of practicing more than 1,000 Sunan? Surely, in clinging to the Sunnah is safety and security, as Imaam Maalik said: "The Sunnah is like the Ark of Noah-whoever embarks on it reaches salvation and whoever refuses is drowned."This short booklet contains statements and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (S) that are performed in a typical day - how many of these are part of our daily lives?This work is the English-language translation of the Arabic booklet, More Than 1,000 Sunan Every Day & Night, complied by Shaykh Khaalid Husaynaan. He is a contemporary student of knowledge of our time who is preoccupied with reviving and following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (S).

    • Download | CD 1 | CD 2

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأربعاء 16 أكتوبر - 10:50:47