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The Fiqh of Marriage Aya10
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    The Fiqh of Marriage

    che Allah lo protegga
    che Allah lo protegga

    Sesso : ذكر

    Numero di messaggi : 126

    The Fiqh of Marriage Empty The Fiqh of Marriage

    مُساهمة من طرف sandro الخميس 5 مايو - 21:11:42

    The Fiqh of Marriage

    The Fiqh of Marriage Fiqhofmarriage

    In this work, the world renowned scholar of comparative fiqh of
    marriage. Dr. Saalih al-Sadlaan of Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University
    covers the most important topics related to the fiqh of marriage. Dr.
    al-Sadlaan discusses the topics found in traditional books of fiqh, such
    as the place of the dower, the minimum and maximum amount of the dower,
    and when the woman is entitled to all, half or none of her dower. He
    also discusses the rights of the husband and wife in Islam and sexual
    etiquette in Islam. Written by a contemporary, the work also deals with
    many modern issues that were not touched upon by earlier scholars. In
    particular, the author deals with the following: engagement rings, music
    and dancing at the wedding parties, exorbitant dowers, honeymoons and
    many other topics of importance for Muslims everywhere. This small but
    very informative book is a must for Imams and directors of Islamic
    Centers. In addition, it is a great handbook for all who are already
    married as well as all who are pondering marriage.

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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت 21 سبتمبر - 21:41:05